Featured Products

from $4.50

Father's Day
from $4.50

Gentleman & Scholar
from $4.50

Manly Shit
from $4.50

Perfect Father
from $4.50

Raising Liars
from $4.50
Introducing the Shot Glass Card
The very first card that allows for immediate celebration no matter the occasion. Each card doubles as a functioning shot glass that is assembled origami-style without any additional materials. They hold about 1oz of liquid without leaks for hours (not that any shot has ever sat in a glass for more than a few seconds).
Click here to check out the whole line of Shot Glass Cards.
The Gift Card... Cards

Nothing says “I thought about buying you a sweet-ass present, but I changed my mind” like a gift card, and nothing holds a gift card better than our new line of gift card… cards. We probably should have thought through the name a bit more but after saying it that way for so long, it started to get funny and we just couldn't get rid of it.
The Narcissist Card Series
You're a thoughtful and generous person. Also you’re attractive. Why else would you be buying a greeting card? Sure, technically it's their special day; that doesn't mean you don't deserve some kudos as well. Show how thoughtful you are with this series of Narcissist cards and be showered with praise in return.